Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life is precious ....

I write in our blog this afternoon in total shock at some news that I received yesterday afternoon .. I am still struggling to come to grips with the reality of what has happened .. A close friend sent me an SMS late yesterday afternoon with sad news about her pregnancy ...

At the moment I have no idea how this happend .. all I know is what was said in the SMS .. I have spent most of the day crying on and off .. I am assuming and I am probably right that it will be quite a few days if not a week or maybe even 2 before I hear any news ..

I am hoping and praying that my friend and her husband are ok .. and that they will pull through this horrific ordeal .. please pray for the couple's recovery, mentally, spiritally and emotionally of their loss ..

(many thanks to Tanya for helping me write this)


BruganCampbell said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope your friends are doing OK and you are OK too.