Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fish bones, throats and hospitals !

I had been waiting for dinner all day - FISH and vegies .. my brother is an avid fisherman and loves being out on the water .. anyway phyliss took out some fish yesterday morning ..

She brought our dinner up about 3pm i think i was and all i could do was drool over it - love fish ! .. anyway dinner time came and wouldn't ya know it - yep i got a bloody fish bone stuck in my throat .. phyliss felt awful as she thought she'd got it all - but obviously didn't ..

Peter, Phyliss and I all had the same fish - but it was unlucky me who had to swallow the bloody thing .. we tried everything - bread, vinegar and water (apparently that helps to dissolve the bone), sultana's, swallowing fish oil tablets (they were big hoping they would dislodge it), bread and peanut paste, nutrigrain - you name it we tried it ..

We ended up at the after hours GP at Logan Hospital - only to be told go home, it should dislodge over night - the dr couldnt even see it .. so we came home .. I fed the baby birds, and headed to bed ..

12.30am i woke up busting for the loo - too scared to swallow in case i felt the bloody thing - i did anyway - yep it was still there .. got back into bed starting gagging - it was horrible .. eventually fell asleep .. woke up this morning at 6.30am and couldn't feel it .. here it is 9.16am and i still can't feel it - so hopefully it's GONE ! and GONE FOR GOOD !!!!

a lesson to learned - I AM NOT EATING FISH EVER AGAIN !!!!