Monday, May 26, 2008

Just who is reading our blog ???

When you sit and think about it .. the INTERNET can be a very scarey place ..

I just realised this morning - OMG who is/has been reading our blog ? .. why are they reading it ? .. how did they find our blog ? ..

I last posted on our blog on the 21st May 08 ... then something happened last week and I didn't realise until I received an email this morning wondering how "someone" could have known certain information .. I then sat and thought - OMG I mentioned something on my blog - and then I get an email asking me to pass on a message ..

I can honestly say I didn't see the connection until I got an email this morning asking how this person could have known ...... that's why I am here now ..

I am fore-warning everyone that our blog address is going to change ! .. I will email everyone the new address once it's all sorted ..