Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday - a day of tears ....

Sunday morning started off pretty normal ... we went and visited Peter's mum and dad - which we try and do every weekend but sometimes there just isn't enough time in the day and we might not get there for 2-3 weeks ..

When we were there Peter's niece was sitting at the breakfast bar and Peter said "so are you going to this famous wedding that we're NOT invited too???" .. Peter's other niece (his sister's daughter) is getting married on the 11th October 08 and we're not invited .. they hate me, i don't know why .. but they do .. I wasn't even invited to the bridal shower or the hen's night ..

Anyway his niece said "oh i'm trying to get out of it" .. does she think I'm bloody stupid ? .. they are like 2 pea's in a pod .. anyway that was ok .. we ventured out into the lounge room .. where his niece proceeded to say to Peter's mum (which is her grandmother) "If you see J (Peter's brother) or M (his niece that's getting married) tell them I said NOT to take the images off the cot - they have been there since I was a baby and I know J is stripping the cot" ..

So there and then I knew "M is pregnant" .. I didn't know what to say, where to look etc .. but Peter knew something was wrong .. he didn't know until we got into the car and I just burst into tears .................... so the whole trip home I just cried and cried .. No-one told us .. in fact we get told nothing .. we wouldn't have even known about the wedding only for Peter finding the invitation at his mum and dad's house a few weeks ago ...

It's so unfair that Peter and I go through so much - spend thousands upon thousands of dollars and yet we still don't have anything to show for it ..

If they happen to know about this blog and read it - I hope they realise just how much it hurts not to be included .. I feel like a piece of shit on the side of the road .. my family welcomed Peter with open and loving arms and treat him like a member of the family .. Me, I get treated like a lepper ... we won't even know if and when she has the baby ....

I don't know what I've done to them ... I know deep down it's probably because I'm NOT good enough for them .. or maybe because my aunty and nanna live in the granny flat down stairs .. who knows .. Personally I never want to see them again - and if I do see them anytime soon that will be too soon ..

I soon got over my tear's .. but it really hurts .. today I'm feeling much better ..