Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wally and Sook Sook welcome more BABIES !

the proud dad - notice the egg shell in the front and at the back of him

After a disasterous attempt at their first clutch of egg's - which resulted in 2 babies who died within days .. Wally and Sook Sook laid another 6 eggs - yesterday we discovered 2 dead babies and 1 who had newly hatched .. on top of that they were covered in BIRD LICE/MITE .. so all afternoon I cleaned and sprayed them ..

I checked on the bubba this morning and Sook Sook was actually sitting on him with the other 3 eggs that are yet to hatch .. bubba was sitting up and looked as tho he had been fed - which is a great effort on mum and dad's part - considering last time they didn't feed them or keep them warm .. so hopefully this time they are off to a good start !!