Saturday, January 10, 2009

Never want another week like this !

This last week has been 1 that I would rather forget - they say things happen in 3 - well they sure did for us this week!


We got our Citibank credit card statement in the mail - and to my horror we'd reached our limit and they charged us $ 795 over the limit fee along with the monthly fee of $ 201.00 !! .. all because "3" the phone company after we told them NOT to put any more bills onto that card put Dec's bill on there - which threw us over the limit !!

I sat down and cried and cried ... I was a nervous wreck all day - but many many thanks to mum and my step-dad for lending us some money .. without them we would have been up shit creek without a paddle ..

Brian - Thank you so very much for helping Peter and I - we will pay you back ASAP .. I am so lucky to have a wonderful step-dad like you .. we appreciate you more than you will ever know ...


On Thursday I felt quite off - and had a raging temp ... I stripped and basically stayed in my undies all day - I couldn't even go down stairs without sweating .. anyway by Thursday night I was starting to feel worse ..

By the next morning OMG my stomach was churning - and the diahorrea was shooting and i mean shooting out of me like a tap .. half the time i wasn't even sure if i was going to make it the toilet ! .. I had to go put petrol in the car because Peter was going to a different library for a meeting (he's a 2IC Librarian) .. and I also had to go to Woolies to pick up a few things ..

Well i only just made it to the garage - and ran to the loo - i held on and held on as long as i could once i got to woolies - i just grabbed my stuff and ran .. I just made it inside .. then the sick feeling hit me .. I couldn't even lift my head off the chair .. I went from the recliner to the lounge, lounge back to the recliner ..

Nanna and Phyliss went shopping so I got her to pick me up some Bispictin - fantastic stuff ! .. so I hit myself with that and at 3.20pm I'd had enough and headed for the bed .. at 4.20pm the phone woke me up - it was phyliss down stairs checking to see if i was ok ..

I had a chicken leg and some salad for dinner and headed to bed around 7.30pm still feeling as sick as dog .. woke up at 4.10am for the loo and didn't get up till just after 7.15am .. I am feeling alot better this arvo thank god .. I never wanna feel that bilious again !


Peter got his pay and OMG - we knew we'd down a little cause of the public holidays (Peter get's bonus pay for working the late shift on tuesday and thursday and working on saturday also) .. but we were down over $ 225 for the fortnight .. I said to Peter -that can't be right .. anyway we just gave up and worked with what we had ..

During the week Peter get's an email from his boss at the head office - sorry there's been a mistake in your pay - the saturday you were off sick ( he had a virus about 2 weeks ago ) they didn't pay you at all - where as you should have been paid - minus the bonus pay .. so now instead of giving it to us this week .. we have to wait till next pay which is 2 weeks away .. and by the time they give us the extra money we'll have paid most of it in tax - so we'll hardly see any of it anyway !

So that's our week in a nut shell ! .. Hope yours was better !