Friday, April 11, 2008

4th Injection ...

I'm So Proud

Today is the 4th day of injections and I think I'm doing pretty good ! .. I actually went on the count of "3" this morning .. lol .. it does get easier every day .. but there's still the thought in the back of your head that you are actually injecting something into your body all by yourself ! .. the video is on the right ------------>

I'm not feeling anything in the ovaries at the moment, which is a good thing .. cycles 1 and 2 by day 4-5 i was feeling alot of pressure and starting to feel sick .. so finger's crossed that 175iu is the right dose for me .. the scan on monday will show what's happening .. and that's not that far away ..

I'm still suffering from really bad insomneia from the synarel - last night last time i looked at the clock was 10.30pm .. i didn't wake up till around 5.30am for the loo .. but then i crawled back into bed and woke up to the sound of the phone ringing at 7.20am .. and now it's 9.31am and i'm ready to lay down and have a sleep again ..

I've Got A Headache

The headache is almost gone - think I'll take 2 more advil and that should kill it off completely ..

As if we didn't have enough stress going on in the family atm .. i found out this morning that my cousin (who has the triplets) that her husband was put into hospital yesterday with a suspected mild heart attack and he's only 39 ! .. we'll know more this morning but he's in the ICU so we just have to wait and see what the Dr's say when Susan goes to the hospital this morning ..

Get Well

Apparently he's had a pain in his left arm for a few weeks .. but the pain was so bad yesterday he rang Susan and told she told him to get straight to a HOSPITAL and that she would meet him there .. so he did .. he was admitted on arrival and had all sorts of tests done .. Susan has been told there is a problem, but what that problem is .. we don't know yet .. the Dr told Susan had he not gone to the hospital yesterday - he might not have been here today ! .. she has been telling him for weeks to go see a Dr .. but we all know what BLOODY MEN ARE LIKE ! ..