Friday, April 4, 2008

Another day .......

It's a bit windy and rather cool today .. altho i don't mind this kind of weather - it's kinda in between not hot and not cold .. but still there is a really cool breeze flowing through the front door ..

I was sitting here before watching a movie - a thriller called "the glass house - the good mother" .. anyway i'm sitting here munching away on my sandwich when I thought I heard foot steps up the front steps .. I almost shit myself and thought "i didn't hear the front gate open" .. so I sat frozen for what seemed an eternity - the next thing I see a hand reach out and it's Peter about to open the screen door ..

OMG you've no idea the fright I got .. it has made me realise now just how important it is to lock the front and back doors .. which I do in any case, but it just made me realise that i didn't hear our front gate .. our front gate slides and is on a metal track with metal wheels .. it's very heavy .. and the gate itself is made from metal and tin roofing (powder coated in a teal/blue colour) .. and when you open it .. it would wake the dead ..

I'm just waiting for days of our lives at 2pm .. yeah i know .. but god it's getting good now .. I can't believe that John is Stefano's half brother and John takes over the Di Mera business .. oppss .. I suppose I've just given something away ? .. oh well ..

Home and Away - I can't wait for Sam to be gone .. she's a looney ! .. I almost died when Jack was going to burn the letter - but he didn't .. thank god .. but now it looks like it's coming back to bite him on bum cause Sam gave a letter to the police .. so who did it ??? ...... SUCH MYSTERY ! ..................